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Celebrating A Milestone: My Journey as an 'Iskolar ng Bayan' at the University of the Philippines

Cover Image for Celebrating A Milestone: My Journey as an 'Iskolar ng Bayan' at the University of the Philippines
Cyrus David Pastelero
Cyrus David Pastelero

As a young child, I once asked my grandfather, "What is a scholar?" His answer - "A student who stands at the top of their class and is given free education" - resonated deeply with me. With the innocence and determination of a child, I said, "I also want to be a scholar, Grandpa."

Fast forward to years later, my childhood wish has now turned into reality. I am proud to call myself an 'Iskolar ng Bayan,' a term of honor used in the Philippines to denote a scholar of the nation, studying Computer Science at the prestigious University of the Philippines (UP). This title is not merely about free education; it is a testament to my hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of academic excellence.

Studying at UP wasn't just about earning a degree; it was about embracing a culture of excellence and service to the nation. The Computer Science program, rigorous and challenging, equipped me with essential skills and a broad understanding of technology's evolving landscape. It was a journey filled with late-night coding, seemingly impossible problems to solve, and complex projects to undertake. But with each challenge, I emerged stronger, more resilient, and one step closer to becoming a 'scholar' in the truest sense of the word.

The journey to becoming an 'Iskolar ng Bayan' wasn't smooth sailing. There were hurdles to overcome, deadlines to meet, and exams that pushed me to my limits. But every time I thought of giving up, I remembered my grandfather's words, my aspiration to be a scholar, and the reason why I was doing it all – to serve my nation with the knowledge and skills I've acquired.

On July 21, a significant day etched in my memory, I reached a milestone – I graduated from the University of the Philippines. As I walked up to the stage to receive my Computer Science degree, a flood of emotions overwhelmed me. The journey that started with a simple question to my grandfather had led me to this moment, making me realize that dreams fueled with passion and hard work indeed come true.

But my journey doesn't end here. The title 'Iskolar ng Bayan' doesn't only refer to someone who has received free education. It symbolizes the commitment to give back to the nation, to utilize my knowledge and skills for societal advancement. As a Computer Science graduate, I aspire to contribute to the technological progress of our country, and by doing so, uphold the true spirit of an 'Iskolar ng Bayan.'

Reflecting on my journey, I realize how far I've come from that wide-eyed child asking about the meaning of a scholar. I have not just graduated as a Computer Science student from UP but also as a scholar of the nation, an 'Iskolar ng Bayan,' ready to take on the world.

In my heart, I hold immense gratitude for my beloved grandfather, who first planted the seed of aspiration in me, for the University of the Philippines for molding me into the person I am today, and for this journey that has taught me that with perseverance and dedication, dreams do come true.

To all aspiring 'Iskolars ng Bayan,' remember that the journey might be arduous, but the reward is fulfilling. Believe in your dreams, work tirelessly towards them, and never forget to serve the nation with the knowledge and skills you have gained. After all, being an 'Iskolar ng Bayan' is not just about personal success; it's about contributing to our country's progress. As we step forward into our futures, let's carry the spirit of an 'Iskolar ng Bayan,' ready to create a positive impact in our society.